Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Baking: Coconut Macaroons

I found this recipe is the strangest of places... I recently went to a Christmas craft sale with my aunts and grandmother on Calumet Island. I drove up from the city to meet them in order to attend this sale, turned out the sale wasn't that great and I didn't end up buying much...Except a cookbook!

My grandmother who also happens to be a huge cooking fan recommended it to me and out of curiosity and part guilt, I bought it. It's called "Good Tastes From Grand Calumet Island, QC" and is put together by Ste. Anne's Parish.


1 tbsp. corn starch 
3 egg whites (I used egg whites from a carton because this is what I had in the house)
1 cup icing sugar
2 cups coconut (I added an extra 1/4 to 1/2 cup of coconut)
1 tsp. vanilla

Cook corn starch, icing sugar and stiffly beaten eggs whites (I used the stand mixer to beat the eggs) in a double boiler. Cook slowly for 15 minutes. Remove from stove, stir in coconut and vanilla. Mix well. Drop by the spoonful onto a greased pan (I sprayed some PAM). Bake at 300F until brown. 

I also made a batch of chocolate coconut macaroons by adding 1/2 cup of cocoa powder to the recipe. I added it in with the coconut and vanilla. Delish! These coconut macaroons are a HUGE hit and quite easy to whip up.

Et voilĂ 

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